Melissa M Foley, PhD

Peer-reviewed publications
George Pess, Ryan Bellmore, Jeffrey Duda, James O’Connor, Amy East, Melissa Foley, Andrew Wilcox, Jonathan Major, Patrick Shafroth, Christopher Magirl, Chauncey Anderson, James Evans, and Christian Torgersen. Ecosystem response to dam removal: a synthesis. In review, BioScience.
Kathryn K. Davies, Karen T. Fisher, Melissa Foley, Alison Greenaway, Judi Hewitt, Richard Le Heron, Carolyn Lundquist, Harry Mikaere, Kelly Ratana, and Roseanna Spiers. Navigating collaborative networks and cumulative effects for Sustainable Seas. In review, Environmental Science and Policy.
Steve Rubin, Ian Miller, Melissa Foley, Helen Berry, Jeffrey J. Duda, Ben Hudson, Nancy Elder, Matthew M. Beirne, Jonathan A. Warrick, Michael L. McHenry, Andrew Stevens, Emily Eidam, Andrea Ogston, Guy Gelfenbaum, and Rob Pedersen. Subtidal marine community responses to increased sediment load during dam removal. In press, PLoS ONE.
Melissa M. Foley and Jonathan A. Warrick. Ephemeral seafloor sedimentation during dam removal: Elwha River, Washington. 2017. Continental Shelf Research. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2017.09.005
Melissa M. Foley, Francis J. Magilligan, Christian E. Torgersen, Jon J. Major, Chauncey W. Anderson, Patrick J. Connolly, Daniel Wieferich, Patrick B. Shafroth, James E. Evans, Dana Infante, Laura S. Craig. Landscape context and the biophysical response of rivers to dam removal in the United States. 2017. PLOS One 12(7): e0180107.
Melissa M. Foley, J. Ryan Bellmore, Jim E. O’Connor, Jeff J. Duda, Amy E. East, Gordon G. Grant, Chauncey W. Anderson, Jennifer A. Bountry, Mathias J. Collins, Patrick J. Connolly, Laura S. Craig, Samantha L. Greene, Francis J. Magilligan, Christopher S. Magirl, Jonathan J. Major, George R. Pess, Timothy J. Randle, Patrick B. Shafroth, Christian E. Torgersen, Desiree Tullos, Andrew C. Wilcox. Dam removal—Listening in. 2017. Water Resources Research. doi: 10.1002/2017WR020457
Melissa M. Foley, Jonathan A. Warrick, Andrew Ritchie, Andrew W. Stevens, Patrick B. Shafroth, Matthew M. Beirne, Rebecca Paradis, Jeffrey J. Duda, Guy Gelfenbaum, Randall McCoy, and Erin S. Cubley. Coastal habitat and biological community response to dam removal on the Elwha River. 2017. Ecological Monographs. doi: 10.1002/ecm.1268
Melissa M. Foley, Lindley A. Mease, Rebecca G. Martone, Erin E. Prahler, Tiffany H. Morrison, Cathryn Clarke Murray, and Deborah Wojcik. The challenges and opportunities in cumulative effects assessment. 2017. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 62:122-134. doi: 10.1016/j.eiar.2016.06.008 [PDF]
Brian Helmuth, Francis Choi, Allison Matzelle, Jessica Torossian, Scott Morello, K.A.S. Mislan, Lauren Yamane, Denise Strickland, P. Lauren Szathmary, Sarah Gilman, Alyson Tockstein, Thomas Hilbish, Michael Burrows, Anne Marie Power, Elizabeth Gosling, Nova Mieszkowska, Christopher Harley, Michael Nishizaki, Emily Carrington, Bruce Menge, Laura Petes, Melissa Foley, Angela Johnson, Megan Poole, Mae Noble, Erin Richmond, Matt Robart, Jonathan Robinson, Jerod Sapp, Jackie Sones, Bernardo Broitman, Mark Denny, Katharine Mach, Luke Miller, Michael O'Donnell, Philip Ross, Gretchen Hofmann, Mackenzie Zippay, Carol Blanchette, J.A. Macfarlan, Eugenio Carpizo-Ituart, Ben Ruttenberg, Carlos Peña Mejía , Christopher McQuaid, Justin Lathlean, Cristián Monaco, Katy Nicastro, and Gerardo Zardi. Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors. 2016. Scientific Data. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.87 [PDF]
John A. Cigliano, Amy Bauer, Megan M. Draheim, Melissa M. Foley, Carolyn J. Lundquist, Julie-Beth McCarthy, Katheryn W. Patterson, Andrew J. Wright, and E. C. M. Parsons. The kraken in the aquarium: questions that urgently need to be addressed in order to advance marine conservation. 2016. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00174 [PDF]
Melissa M. Foley, Rebecca G. Martone, Michael D. Fox, Carrie V. Kappel, Ashley L. Erickson, Lindley A. Mease, Peter Taylor, Benjamin S. Halpern, Kimberly A. Selkoe, and Courtney Scarborough. Addressing the challenges of detecting, predicting, and managing for ecosystem thresholds. 2015. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi:10.3389/fmars.2015.00095 [PDF]
Megan Saunders, Christopher Brown, Melissa M. Foley, Catherine Febria, Molly Mehling, Rebecca Albright, Dana Burfeind, and Maria Kavanaugh. Connectivity in a changing world: a synthesis of anthropogenic stressors on marine and freshwater ecosystems. 2015. Marine and Freshwater Research. doi: 10.1071/MF14358 [PDF]
Melissa M. Foley, Jeffrey J. Duda, Matthew M. Beirne, Rebecca Paradis, Jonathan A. Warrick. Rapid physical change in the Elwha River estuary complex during dam decommissioning. 2015. Limnology and Oceanography. doi: 10.1002/lno.10129 [PDF]
J.N. Kittinger, J.Z. Koehn, E. Le Cornu, N.C. Ban, M.H. Armsby, X. Basurto, C. Brooks, M.H. Carr, J.E. Cinner, A. Cravens, M. D’Iorio, A.L. Erickson, E.M. Finkbeiner, M.M. Foley, R. Fujita, S. Gelcich, M. Gopnik, L. Hazen, M. Lopuch, K. St. Martin, E.E. Prahler, D.R. Reineman, J. Shackeroff, C. White, M.R. Caldwell, L.B. Crowder. Putting people into ocean planning: a framework for incorporating social data. 2014. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12(8): 448-456. doi: 10.1890/130267 [PDF]
H. Tallis, J. Lubchenco, and 238 co-signatories. A call for inclusive conservation. 2014. Nature 515: 27-28. [PDF]
E.C.M. Parsons, B. Favaro, A.A. Aguirre, A.L. Bauer, L.K. Blight, J.A. Cigliano, M.A. Coleman, I.M. Côté, M. Draheim, S. Fletcher, M.M. Foley, R. Jefferson, M.C. Jones, B.P. Kelaher, C.J. Lundquist, J. McCarthy, A. Nelson, K. Patterson, L. Walsh, A.J. Wright, W.J. Sutherland. 71 important questions for conservation of marine biodiversity. 2014. Conservation Biology 28(5): 1206-1214. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12303 [PDF]
Melissa M. Foley, Matthew H. Armsby, Erin E. Prahler, Margaret R. Caldwell, Larry B. Crowder, Ashley Erickson, John Kittinger, Philip S. Levin. Improving ocean management through the use of ecological principles and integrated ecosystem assessments. 2013. BioScience 63: 619-631. [PDF]
R. Fujita, J.H. Moxley, H. DeBey, T. Van Leuvan, A. Leumer, K. Honey, S. Aguilar, and M.M. Foley. Managing for a resilient ocean. 2013. Marine Policy 38: 538-544. [PDF]
M.E.S. Bracken, B.A. Menge, M.M. Foley, C.J.B. Sorte, J. Lubchenco, D.R. Schiel. Mussel selectivity for high- quality food drives carbon inputs into open-coast intertidal ecosystems. 2012. Marine Ecology Progress Series 459: 53-62. [PDF]
C. Krenz, B. Menge, T. Freidenburg, J. Lubchenco, F. Chan, M. Foley, K. Nielsen. Ecological subsidies to rocky intertidal communities: linear or non-linear changes along a consistent geographic upwelling transition? 2011. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 409: 361-370. [PDF]
R.P. Kelly*, M.M. Foley*, W.S. Fisher, R.A. Feely, B.S. Halpern, G.G. Waldbusser, and M.R. Caldwell. Mitigating local causes of ocean acidification with existing laws. 2011. Science 332: 1036-1037. (*equal co- authors) [PDF]
Bruce A. Menge, Melissa M. Foley, Jacque Pamplin, Gayle Murphy, and Camryn Pennington. Supply-side ecology, barnacle recruitment, and rocky intertidal community dynamics: Do settlement surface and limpet disturbance matter? 2010. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 392: 160-175. [PDF]
Melissa M. Foley and Paul Koch. Investigating the correlation between allochthonous subsidy input and isotopic variability in the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera in central California. 2010. Marine Ecology Progress Series 409: 41-50. [PDF]
M.M. Foley, B.S. Halpern, F. Micheli, M.H. Armsby, M.R. Caldwell, C.M. Crain, E. Prahler, N. Rohr, D. Sivas, M.W. Beck, M.H. Carr, L.B. Crowder, J.E. Duffy, S.D. Hacker, K. McLeod, S.R. Palumbi, C.H. Peterson, H.M. Regan, M.H. Ruckelshaus, P.A. Sandifer, R.S. Steneck. Guiding ecological principles for marine spatial planning. 2010. Marine Policy 34: 955-966. [PDF]
B.R. Broitman, C.A. Blanchette, B.A. Menge, J. Lubchenco, C. Krenz, M. Foley, P.T. Raimondi, D. Lohse, and S.D. Gaines. Spatial and temporal patterns of invertebrate recruitment along the West coast of the United States. 2008. Ecological Monographs 78(3): 403-421. [PDF]
C.B. Woodson, D.I. Eerkes-Medrano, A. Flores-Morales, M.M. Foley, S. Henkel, M. Hessing-Lewis, D. Jacinto, L. Needles, M. Nishizaki, J. O’Leary, C.E. Ostrander, M. Pespeni, K. Schwager, J.A. Tyburczy, K.A. Weersing, A. Kirincich, J. Barth, M. A. McManus, and L. Washburn. Diurnal upwelling driven by sea breezes in northern Monterey Bay: A local mechanism for larval delivery to the intertidal? 2007. Continental Shelf Research 27(18): 2289-2302. [PDF]
Bruce A. Menge, Carol Blanchette, Pete Raimondi, Steve Gaines, Jane Lubchenco, Dave Lohse, Gregory Hudson, Melissa Foley, Jacque Pamplin. Species interaction strength: Testing model predictions along an upwelling gradient. 2004. Ecological Monographs 74(4): 663-684. [PDF]
Bruce A. Menge, Matthew Bracken, Melissa Foley, Tess Freidenburg, Gregory Hudson, Christopher Krenz, Heather Leslie, Jane Lubchenco, Roland Russell, Steven D. Gaines, and Michael Webster. Coastal oceanography sets the pace of rocky intertidal community dynamics. 2003. Proceedings from the National Academy of Science 100(21): 12229-12234. [PDF]
Other publications
Ashley L. Erickson, Melissa M. Foley, Erin E. Prahler, and Margaret R. Caldwell. Incorporating Ecological Principles into California Ocean and Coastal Management: Examples from Practice. 2012. Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University, California. [PDF]
Heather Coleman, Melissa Foley, Erin Prahler, Matthew Armsby, and George Shillinger. Decision Guide: Selecting Decision Support Tools for Marine Spatial Planning. Center for Ocean Solutions. 2011. The Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University, California. [PDF]
Melissa M. Foley. Investigating the influence of allochthonous subsidies on nearshore giant kelp forests in Big Sur, California. 2009. Doctoral Dissertation, University of California Santa Cruz. [PDF]